Steven Lim's marking:

The emitting particle flow graph took me great time to fully understand, even though the flowgraph was given out in the Benv2423 week05 lecture, the first glimpse of the flowgraph, it was almost like another language. In order to understand and play and manipulate the flowgraph, I first did research on each of the nodes, becoming more familiar in each functions the nodes play in the flowgraph. I had also researched on how to use different kinds of particles as the emitter, as I had trouble with bringing up a particle in sandbox. Through the vast knowledge I have gained through lectures, researches, tutors and peers, I have been able to feel comfortable in using the emitting flowgraph, and manipulating it, allowing the emitter to be set up on both the user and AI’s. I believe one of the gaps in the body of knowledge throughout EXP1 and EXP2, is the knowledge of each of the nodes, and the function they play, as well as how they effect the flowgraph.
In my tutorial, i illustrate the many different particles that can be used to be set as emitters from the player. I have also tried to explain each of the roles of the node's function, and how each node affects the flowgraph in which particles are emitted from the player as well as an AI follower.
This tutorial would also elevate one's understanding of the media beyond that of a typical user, as this tutorial broadens the knowledge of flowgraph in terms of nodes, and the motion through space, in which explores how certain spaces, in this case a train station(EXP02), is walked through, and documents the movements of the player.
The emitting flowgraph also help explore the themes of movement and direction, as it places a circular orb depending on the player's movement. This flowgraph shows the steps of the player, as the emitting flowgraph acts as a trail of the player. The intersection between my work in EXP1 and EXP2, is that both EXP's observe the interactivity of the players in a public space, however in EXP2, it documents the movement of a player in a space.
The tutorial also briefly explores the flowgraph of an AI Follower, and the importance of which AI to choose to make it follow the player, as well as the importance of the nodes to allow the AI to follow the player. I have also manipulated the Emitter flowgraph accordingly for the particles to be emitted from the AI follower instead of the player, which also explores the themes of movement through space, and how one’s movement can affect the movement of others.
In my Porosity Lens documentary, i intend to convey movement and direction through public space (train station). The use of flowgraphs help accentuate the themes of movement and direction, such as the opacity flowgraph. The opacity flowgraph makes the box lighter as the player moves through it, and moving through it more than once lowers the opacity until the opacity is set at 0. Ultimately, it carves the space in which it evokes the part of the space in which people likely walk around.